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Monoethylene glycol (MEG) reclamation and regeneration system

Image of PureMEG monoethylene glycol (MEG) reclamation and regeneration system aboard a vessel.

Minimize MEG deterioration and losses and reduce operating and environmental costs

MEG is one of the most commonly used hydrate inhibitors in production pipelines. It is recovered and reinjected to minimize the operating and environmental costs associated with MEG replacement and disposal.

The cost of MEG replacement can surpass millions of dollars per year. Our PureMEG™ MEG reclamation and regeneration systems use proprietary brine displacement 二价盐的去除 technologies that minimize both MEG deterioration and losses, significantly reducing MEG replacement requirements compared with competing systems.

Process flow schematic for PureMEG MEG reclamation and regeneration system.

你可以选择整合我们的 机械蒸汽再压缩 technology, reducing energy demand by about 75% and cutting CO2减排高达90%.


PureMEG systems not only regenerate the MEG by boiling off the pipeline water, they also remove salts and other solids to achieve the required outlet glycol purity. 地层水中溶解的盐, 管道生产化学品, and pipe scale all have the potential to scale or foul both subsea and topside processing equipment. This MEG recovery system is an essential component of pipeline flow assurance.


Improve operational efficiency, increase plant availability, and maintain asset integrity

该系统 提供有效的和经过验证的除盐. A wash step is included as part of the divalent salt removal system, enabling MEG recovery and reducing opex; the salt discharge can be dried for easier handling and disposal.

Low solids levels in the recycle loop protect the most expensive and vulnerable parts of the system from abrasion, 侵蚀, 和污染, 哪一个 减少维修 增加了植物的可用性.

环境温度下的盐分离 提高安全 并且避免了对专用设备的需求.

这项技术意义重大 reduces MEG losses and produces a waste stream suitable for marine disposal 通过从盐水中分离盐.

It 降低资本支出和运营成本 because solids removal is achieved without the use of centrifuges, 不像市场上的其他系统. 这样就避免了昂贵的使用, high-maintenance equipment and prevents oxygen contamination of the MEG. Oxygen is a main contributor to MEG degradation and material corrosion within reclamation systems, 影响植物的开放和寿命.

除了我们的回收技术, 我们提供全面的服务, 从定制的现场支持合同涵盖培训, 安装, 调试, 并开始长期运营援助, 数据采集, 有条件的监控, 预测性维护服务.

  • MEG reboiler is designed to avoid hydrocarbon foaming and the fouling of packing associated with conventional systems.
  • Proprietary divalent salt removal system is capable of handling a diverse range of water chemistries, 固体载荷, 以及颗粒大小分布.
  • Dedicated reaction vessel optimizes crystal growth in the precipitation of divalent salts. Crystal size and shape directly influence the performance of downstream separation and drying processes.
  • PureMEG system is configured with either a full-stream or slipstream process. Full stream both regenerates and removes salts from the rich MEG feed. Slipstream has full-feed 梅格再生, with a portion of the lean MEG sent for reclamation. Our experts can advise you 哪一个 option best suits your process requirements. 无论哪种情况, 该过程包括五个步骤:预处理, 梅格再生, flash分离, 盐管理, 二价盐的去除. 参考 PureMEG系统手册 有关详细信息,.
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