

管道完整性服务和解决方案 | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


For hydrogen, CO2, water, and oil and natural gas pipelines

Artwork depicting pipelines crossing mountainous terrain.


在他们一生中, pipeline systems are susceptible to a variety of integrity challenges due to theft, 挖掘活动, 地质灾害, 内部腐蚀. A damaged pipeline is a highly undesirable event that can have significant financial, 环境, 以及声誉影响. Integrated pipeline integrity systems are proving extremely valuable for preventing malicious and accidental damage as well as for leak detection, 包括在后果严重的地区, such as populated regions and areas near wildlife or bodies of water, 实现法规遵从性.

Our pipeline integrity solutions enable you to operationalize acquired data, providing actionable insights so that you can move from a reactive to a proactive approach. 数字ly enabled workflows combine historical and real-time data to predict and mitigate threats that jeopardize continuing pipeline operations. You have access to contextualized data contributing to the event of interest; understanding the risks enables you to prioritize actions and address challenges in a timely manner.


利用我们的Optiq™光纤解决方案, 操作人员可以进行准确的泄漏检测, 猪跟踪, and geohazard assessments while protecting pipelines from third-party intrusions. We can also provide computational solutions for leak detection, 流保证, and corrosion monitoring in pipelines carrying single-phase or multiphase fluids. Using 24/7 monitoring in real time and the latest technology to locate events with pinpoint accuracy, our pipeline integrity systems can help protect your license to operate, 优化你的资源, 并最大化您的资产的正常运行时间.


Developed by Eni for continuous monitoring of oil and gas pipelines in real time, 可改装的电子vpms® Eni vibroacoustic pipeline monitoring system is ideal in situations where fiber-optic infrastructure is limited. Multiple sensors are deployed at discrete distances along the pipeline for leak and theft detection, 猪跟踪, 地震监测, 以及水压和气压测试.


我们的专业范围很广 管道化学品和服务. Our portfolio includes corrosion mitigation chemicals for pipeline suspensions or abandonments (commissioning and decommissioning), 管道清洗和干燥化学品, 示踪染料, chemicals for hydrostatic testing, and additives for flow optimization.


Our valves are used to direct and control the flow of fluids as they move through flowlines, 收集行, and transmission systems to their destinations.



Using distributed fiber-optic acoustic, temperature, vibration, and strain sensing

Retrofittable sensor solution for pipeline leak and theft detection

For leak detection, chemical pigging and cleaning, and integrity

Including fluorescent dyes, inorganic ions, and aromatic acids

A diverse portfolio of products for a wide range of fluids