

地热钻井液| 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Reduce drilling risk in challenging geothermal environments


Aqueous drilling fluids for geothermal wells

全国快3信誉最好的老平台 leads the geothermal industry with a comprehensive range of 含水钻井液溶液 successfully deployed in more than 100 geothermal wells since 2015.


与油基流体不同, our aqueous drilling fluids are essential for harnessing geothermal energy more efficiently and sustainably. Tailored to meet the challenges of tapping into the Earth's heat resources, our specialized fluids offer exceptional thermal conductivity and lubrication properties, making them indispensable for deep drilling into rock formations. 当钻头穿透地层时, 这些液体能有效地散热, 减少摩擦, and return cuttings and debris back to the surface, ensuring equipment durability and process optimization.

Our portfolio covers a broad temperature spectrum that addresses the diverse challenges of geothermal applications.

钻井液 that are more than just water

Water-based fluids meet many sustainability requirements. 全国快3信誉最好的老平台 has developed the most complete portfolio of aqueous fluid solutions that not only deliver sustainability with 有竞争力的表现 in drilling, but also advanced digital management and automation, along with sustainability tools that help quantify reduced emissions through the entire fluids management life cycle. So, you maintain your performance edge while lowering total cost of ownership and sustainability footprint with a wide variety of options based on specific targets outlined by you. These options help keep geothermal drilling operations above water by lowering logistical costs, eliminating transport of base oil or cuttings, and minimizing the costs associated with lost circulation.



High-temperature endurance for drilling geothermal wells

Leveraging geothermal experience and technologies to drill geothermal wells consistently, 快, 更有效率

Reduce drilling risk in challenging geothermal environments

Resilience in extreme geothermal environments

Flexible systems for use in geothermal drilling and production